Худеем за кампанию?
Если человек окружён людьми, которые едят слишком много, то вероятность, что и он начнет набирать вес, повышается. В новом исследовании выяснили, что потеря веса подчиняется той же закономерности. Наблюдали за 130 семейными парами. Один из супругов проходил программу по регуляции веса. В результате, если программа помогала и вес подопытного снижался, схожие изменения массы тела были у его супруга или супруги. Причём темп похудения и его колебания тоже зеркалились, хотя никаких осознанных усилий партнёр не предпринимал.
“How we change our eating and exercise habits can affect others in both positive and negative ways. When one person changes their behavior, the people around them change. Spouses might emulate their partner’s behaviors and join them in counting calories, weighing themselves more often, and eating lower-fat foods. Whether the patient works with their healthcare provider, joins a community-based, lifestyle approach like Weight Watchers, or tries to lose weight on their own, their new healthy behaviors can benefit others in their lives.”
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The researchers recruited 130 couples and divided them in two groups. One group took part in a Weight Watchers program and the other was given a weight loss handout and left to their own devices for the next 6 months. Only one spouse from each couple received the treatment.
Overall, 32% of the untreated spouses lost more than 3% of initial body weight in 6 months, regardless of which weight-loss group their partners were assigned to. A 3% loss of body weight is considered to provide a measurable health benefit. The majority of the untreated spouses were male (68.5%), Caucasian (96.2%), were obese (66.2%), and had a mean age of 53.9